And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children.
(Isaiah 54:13)
Some of my favorite pictures of people who are all precious to me.
Welcome, to the newest member of my family, baby Joyce, my beautiful niece!
My Grandchildren!!!
-Scrapbooked Pictures Created with My Photos and
Precious to My Heart
Watch And Pray
My Mom & Dad with my daughter, Shalee
Greatly Missed and Loved, Pastor Clendennen
My Husband and Best Friend, Tim
My Kids
My Lovely Stepdaughter, Crystal, and Son in Law, EJ
My beautiful daughter in law, Ashley
My gorgeous Stepson, Brandon, and granddaughter, McKenzie
My Sister n law, Thena, my sis and my friend
My Brother, Bobby
My Brother, Jesse, his wife, Nerissa, and my nieces, Juliana and baby Joyce
My Sister, Sandra
Some special memories of two baby girls who grew up with Shalee, and whom we dearly love and miss: Megan & Alyssa

More Happily Married Comments
The Love of My Life, a precious gift from God, My husband, Tim
One of my favorite people, and a profound influence on my spiritual life, Pastor BH Clendennen, whom I was blessed
to meet twice, in May of 2008 and again in May 2009 in London, KY
Two of my dearest friends and greatest blessings
My Son, David
Beloved Soldiers
My brother, Jesse, US Navy
My Sister, Thena, US Army
My Brother, Bobby, US Army, Retired
I want to honor my brothers, both of whom have devoted their entire adult lives to serving this nation in
the military. I also want to honor my sister, Thena, who has served most of her adult life in the US Army. Bobby has seen
combat both from Desert Storm, and again this time around, in three times in Iraq, and twice in Afghanistan. He has recently
retired from over 20 years in the US Army. Hallelujah! I want to say a big thank you to my brothers, for their sacrifice,
to my sister, for her sacrifice and willingness to defend this nation, and all of our military personnel, who deserve our
prayers, and love and loyalty.
2014 UPDATE: Jesse is retired from the Navy and home with his wife and children now, and so is Bobby and Thena, both
retired, both safe and sound and home with their families. Through many deployments, God has kept them safe and I am so grateful.
My lovely niece, Tari
My handsome nephew, Charles
My beautiful niece, Elizabeth
My lovely niece, Haley
Me and my daughter |

Sunday School Nursery |