Teresa Conlon's Testimony
Panic in Hell-Teresa Conlon
Life and Death Struggle Which Will You Choose-Teresa Conlon
This is one of the best messages I've heard on the struggle between the
carnal and spiritual natures in a Christian. The one that wins will
determine your eternal destiny. And here's a sobering thought: the one
you feed the most is the one that will win. The key is in Gal. 5:24
God Has Prepared A Place For You by Teresa Conlon
When Prayer Touches Glory by Carter Conlon
The Power of Gentle Hands by Carter Conlon
God wants his people drawn close to his heart so he can share it with
them. He longs to raise us up and carry us to his bosom to reveal his
heart to us. Sometimes people are so used to a heavy, hurtful hand, they
have a difficult time trusting God. We have to know the power of his
gentleness. David said God's gentleness made him great. It is the gentle
touch of God that makes us, strengthens us and lifts up our head. Do
you experience his grace but respond to others with abusive words? God
wants to deliver the hurting and the hurtful.
The Devil is After One Thing in Your Trial by Carter Conlon
MUST HEAR MESSAGE! If you are young in the Lord or not, and going through hard trials and problems that seem to have come
out of nowhere, through no fault of your own, then you need to hear this. He will help you understand what is going on and
show you in the Word how this same thing came at Jesus.
Set free from shame by Carter Conlon
Have a pen and pad handy to take down the other scriptures Pastor Conlon
goes through during this liberating message. He takes you through the
Word of God and helps you see how when you came to Jesus, all your sins
are forgiven, and you don't have to take it when the devil tries to
remind you of your sins. You don't have to bear the shame of your sin,
for Jesus bore it all at Calvary. Many in the Body of Christ are
weighted down, heavy with the shame of feeling unworthy. Wonderful
spiritual medicine.
The Violent Overthrow of God's House by Carter Conlon
You have never heard the tabernacle of the Lord explained as you will
here. From Matthew 21 where Jesus overthrew the tables and ran the
moneychangers out of the temple, to 2nd Chronicles 6 and 7 when Solomon
built the temple and dedicated it, the purpose of the temple is
explained in depth. This is a real eye-opener on prayer. Just as the
religious Pharisees were ineffective and uncaring for the lost, with no
real compassion, today many Christians are caught up in worldly things,
while their family and friends are lost, too busy to pray as they
should. Jesus said his house should be a house of prayer and we are the
temple of God. Are we houses of prayer? Do we pray as we should?
If God Can Keep Me From Trouble, Why Doesn't He? Carter Conlon
The Power to Do Good Is In Your Hand by Carter Conlon
March 22, 2009 - This message is for those who are struggling with
something that is threatening to captivate you and for those whom Satan
is desiring to lock in a prison of fear. The question we ask is, "Do you
trust in the midst of the storm?" We must be gripped with the knowledge
that God is in TOTAL CONTROL of everything that is going on around us.
In times of calamity it is our human tendency to focus on ourselves and
withdraw our hand from the needy around us. As children of God we are
admonished not to withdraw our hands in self preservation, but rather to
stretch out our hand to the poor and needy. There is power in our hand
to do good because Christ's hands stretch forth through us to offer
comfort and consolation to those who don't know Him!
Placing Your Enemies in the Hands of God by Carter Conlon
Ministers of Lasciviousness by Carter Conlon
Snares, Traps, Scourges and Thorns by Carter Conlon
If you have been walking with God and experienced the deliverance of
God, and he has driven out strongholds, and you love God, what power of
the enemy can stand before you? Israel was warned to take heed and love
God, and not to go back to the gods of the nations. The enemy has laid
traps and snares before God's people to trip them up, and walking close
to God is the only way to recognize and avoid them.
Help! I'm Stuck! By Carter Conlon
May 4, 2008 - When we violate the laws of God sin will become a
weight so heavy that we will find ourselves stuck on the ground. There
is something in the heart of God that yearns for you. God will begin to
stretch forth His hand and lift us out of impossible places. He doesn't
sit in Heaven with His arms crossed despising your struggle. He deeply
desires you to allow Him to take you by the hand and lift you into His
awesome love and power.
Footsteps in the Hallway (MUST HEAR) Carter Conlon
Have You Seen Your Calling Yet? Carter Conlon
Bringing the Power of God into Prayer-Carter Conlon
Calling Down Fire by Carter Conlon
A message on anger among God's people and how damaging it can be, and how it never works
the righteousness of God. It is unlike Christ and is destructive.
Blood Upon Dry Ground
Killing Lazarus by Carter Conlon
May 22,2005 - The message from Lazarus is this “Jesus gave me LIFE”. The
moment the life of Christ is seen upon you and in you- you will find
yourself in a trial of suffering of the mockings and anger of the rage
of the unsaved attacking the Christ in you. When this happens trust God
for the strength and grace to bring you through. The bible says we
should rejoice
Covering the Face of Jesus-Carter Conlon
Believing The Whispers of God-Carter Conlon
Chopping Wood For Father by Carter Conlon
Pastor Conlon delivers an extremely personal mesage,
where he speaks
about his attempts as a teen to gain the favour and love of his own
father. He goes on to show how this is in the mentality of many
christains that think they can work the're way into the Lord's favour,
without realising that we should love God because He first loved us and
that we do not need to earn His love and favour because it is already
ours in Christ out Lord. One of the best messages I've heard in a long
time, it brought me very close to tears, Praise be to God!!!
Cherishing the Treasure of Christ-Carter Conlon
Almost Persuaded-Carter Conlon
Bringing Your House to Spiritual Victory-Carter Conlon
Overcoming the Voices of Fear by Carter Conlon
A Gospel of Slaughter by Carter Conlon
Dangerous Shepherds-Carter Conlon
This message is best described as how to
identify dangerous, self-seeking shepherds, as the Bible describes in the scriptures. Where is the recognition of the seriousness
and soberness of the high calling of being a shepherd to the sheep of God? Too many take it lightly and the sheep are scattered
and wounded as a result, and often destroyed.
The Triumphant Christ-David Wilkerson
The Things Which Must Be Here After-Carter Conlon
The Battle Belongs to the Lord-Teresa Conlon
Is Darkness celebrating above your head? Carter Conlon
August 28, 2005 - Is
Darkness Celebrating Above Your Head - Carter Conlon Will we finish our life victoriously or will we end up
powerless and ordinary? In order to finish our lives in victory we have to be doing the work of God. The enemy is after the
strength of God in us. The devil knows the potential of one person that rises up and cries out to the Holy Spirit to destroy
the works of darkness in our lives. The Spirit of God will come upon us and expand us, we will not be defeated with repeated
failure. God promises us absolute deliverance
A Heap Of Frogs And A Stinking Land-Carter Conlon
They that Know Their God-Noline Rhodes
July 04, 2006 –
They That Know Their God Shall be Strong – Noline Rhodes God waits for us to acknowlege that we
are powerless to defeat our enemy in our own strength. God waits for us to acknowlege that we are sinners and there is nothing
in and of ourseleves to take away our sins. God is waiting for us to acknowlege that our flesh is His enemy. Until we understand
fully that in our flesh we can never please Him. God waits for us to hate our flesh and humbly submit to God and He will make
our ememies His foot stool.
Ever Present Help in Trouble-David Wilkerson
Unmasking the Repeated Lie of the Devil-Teresa Conlon
Completing the Ministry God Has Given You-Carter Conlon
Beware of the Wisdom of Men-Carter Conlon
Not Every Trial is A Test-David Wilkerson
Discerning the Fellowship of Jesus Christ
Returning to God in Enemy Territory-Carter Conlon
January 25, 2004 - Returning
to God in Enemy Territory - Carter Conlon When we find ourselves captive in enemy territory and
come to Christ with an honest heart and sincere hatred for our sin- we can cry out to God and He will set us free. We must
have the heart attitude that says I hate sin and hate what sin does to the name of Christ .
A Cry Without A Voice-David Wilkerson
The Pigs in the Parking Lot-Carter Conlon
Prepare to be convicted if you are holding back on God. Luke 8:27-40.
Jesus is met by a possessed man in the Gadarene tombs, who has many
devils, and they with fear and trembling (James 2:19) beg Jesus to let
them go into a nearby herd of pigs, rather than banish them to the pit,
and he allows them to go. When the man is found by the neighboring
citizens, clothed and sitting at the feet of Jesus in his right mind,
instead of rejoicing at his deliverance, they reject Jesus, and ask him
to leave for they are unwilling to follow him if it means losing their
pigs. Many are unwilling to trust their life to Jesus, and are holding
back part of themselves, unwilling to surrender, having counted the cost
and the price too high. If you are happy with average, this message
isn't for you. If you are determined to follow Jesus, wholly, listen
with an open heart.
The Open Hand of God-Carter Conlon
Foot Washing-David Wilkerson
War in Heaven-David Wilkerson
The Boundary Around God's Mountain-Carter Conlon
The Life Was the Light-David Wilkerson
Building Up My Brother's House-Carter Conlon
Must hear message on how the enemy will use hurt feelings, misunderstandings to cause division in
the body of Christ. Be careful how you think and speak about others in the church. MUST HEAR.
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit-David Wilkerson
Who are the Meek and What Do they Inherit-Carter Conlon
When the Holy Spirit Departs-David Wilkerson
The Unrelenting Love Of God-David Wilkerson
The Inward Shout of Faith by Carter Conlon
Trusting God with All Your Tomorrows-David Wilkerson
The Incredible Strength of Knowing God's Joy-Carter Conlon
Caesar or God by Carter Conlon
He Lives In Me (Testimony of Carter Conlon)
The Still Small Voice Of God by Carter Conlon
Call No Man Common or Unclean-David Wilkerson
The Secret of Spiritual Power by Carter Conlon
A Message For America-Carter Conlon
When an Angel Leads The Church-Carter Conlon
With God All Things Are Possible-David Wilkerson
The Great Responsibility of Those Forgiven-David Wilkerson
I Know What Your Calling Is-Carter Conlon
The Image of God-Carter Conlon
We Still Have Time To Make A Difference-Carter Conlon
Beware of the Angry Watchmen-Carter Conlon