This is a wonderful church the love of God built, beginning in 1987. The founding Pastor is David Wilkerson. The senior Pastor
is Carter and Teresa Conlon. On their website, you will find archives of free to download mp3 and wma sermons dating back
to 2001. Since 2007, they have been posting video sermons of each Sunday Morning Message, as well. This is a church that is
truly led by the Holy Spirit who ministers through truly yielded vessels and I thank God for this church, and the ministry
He has raised up there. It is not man-centered but Christ Centered and to God be all the Glory. Everything posted on this
page is posted by permission.
For those who are discouraged,
and tired, and battling fear in their minds, I pray you pause a moment here. Perhaps you sense in your spirit the coming of
the Lord is near, and you despair over the conditions around you, or in your own heart, and you feel like giving up, fearing
you can never measure up, and hope is so dim and distant, like a dreamlike illusion. God hath not given us a spirit
of fear, but of love and of power and of a SOUND MIND. (2 Tim 1:7). If you are battling fear, these things cometh not from
Him that calleth you. (Gal 5:8) I listened to something God knew I needed badly and the truth was so deep, and we know
Jesus said "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall MAKE you free." (John 8:32) and I would like to share this with you.
It's a message entitled "The Worms Shall Come Out Of Their Holes" Preached by David Wilkerson. Please click the link to go
to the message. You may download it free and burn it to cd or listen to it. For anyone that truly wants to serve the Lord,
and is tired of being sick and tired this will encourage you. Jesus said "They that endure
to the end shall be saved."
The Worms Shall Come Out of Their Holes
Below are a list of some of the messages that have been a real blessing to me from Times Square Church. It is a free download.
These will be changed from time to time, so check back soon!
The Restraining Power of the Holy Ghost-David Wilkerson