Jan. 29, 2006
Daily Bread
Exo 16:1 And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children
of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.
Exo 16:2 And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses
and Aaron in the wilderness:
Exo 16:3 And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand
of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole
assembly with hunger.
Exo 16:4 Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you;
and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law,
or no.
Exo 16:5 And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as
much as they gather daily.
Exo 16:6 And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel, At even, then ye shall
know that the LORD hath brought you out from the land of Egypt:
Exo 16:7 And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the LORD; for that he heareth
your murmurings against the LORD: and what are we, that ye murmur against us?
Elim means strong. Israel was taking a journey from a place of strength, in their flesh. Sinai means enmity. Enmity means
hostile, hatred.
Moses means taken out, drawn forth. Aaron means a teacher, lofty, mountain of strength. Egypt means that which troubles
or oppresses; anguish.
These people were traveling through the wilderness, on the heels of a great victory. They had just in the previous chapter
been singing glorious praises of thanksgiving to God for the victory and freedom he had wrought for them. They had not contributed
to their own freedom. They had simply marched out of Egypt after God went before them and destroyed the land for their sakes.
( Exo_10:7) They had not warred against
Egypt. They had not fought themselves. They had hid in their houses while their God went forth in fury and wrath upon this
place. But even in his judgment on Egypt he had shown mercy to the Egyptians who would fear him. He had been faithful to send
warning every time before he did anything. He wanted them to know what was coming.
Now they are traveling through the wilderness, a free people, having been loosed from an idolatrous society. But the idolatry
was still in their hearts. They had been heavily influenced by their four hundred thirty years in Egypt. They carried little
images, little idols out of Egypt with them when they left and God knew this. Eze_20:8; Amo_5:26; Act_7:43;
Here is a people who had been horribly used and mistreated by their Egyptian slave masters. They had been enslaved, forced
to hard labor. Perhaps they had seen the idols of Egypt and envied the Egyptians' beauty and prosperity. Their cities were
grand, their appearance exotic. Their idols appeared attractive. Mostly of gold. Too numerous to consider them all. And to
the Israelite people Egypt appeared to be a prosperous, wealthy land, full of rich and beautiful people. Surely, they believed
the idolatry they saw practiced was responsible. They had the history handed down to them of some long ago time when Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob had known somebody named God. How Joseph had saved his family by leading them to this prosperous land. But
after hundreds of years of living in this land, being prospered, influenced by the idolatry, and growing strong until the
Egyptians themselves became fearful and suspicious of them, and then turned on them. This was the working of God. He turned
the Egyptians hearts away from them. He could never liberate a people who did not want to be freed. He had to make sure they
were not comfortable in their idolatrous Egypt so he could take them out of there and into a better place, and make a glorious
testimony out of them. Psa_105:24-25, and
in the process, he showed the futility of the gods of Egypt.
And then he sent Moses and Aaron to deliver them a word, a hope set before the people of freedom that had been promised.
That the time of the visitation Joseph had prophesied was here. Gen_50:25. Deliverance was at hand. The enemy knew it and he stepped up the hard labor and the abuse. He determined to
make it so much harder on them that they would not believe Moses or God. But God triumphed, and spoiled the Egyptians, he
led his people out free, wealthy, and victorious. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop him from liberating his people.
With the plagues he sent, he showed the vulnerability and uselessness of the idols of Egypt. He put on display openly their
powerlessness. But people, in their hardened hearts refused to recognize the truth God laid so plainly out in front of them.
They refused to acknowledge the mercy he even showed the Egyptians. He warned before the plagues came. Before he sent the
hail, he warned them to get their animals and servants out of the fields. Those that feared God did and were spared. Those
who regarded not the word of the Lord were destroyed. Exo_9:17-21;
So soon upon the heels of such great demonstrations of God's power, ability, and love for these people, do they go murmuring
and complaining. They have a twisted view of Egypt in their hearts. They look back, and talk about the flesh pots of Egypt.
How soon they forgot the misery they had known in Egypt. The Lord is so patient with them. He sends them bread from heaven.
Angels' food. Psa_78:25
Moses warns the people they are not complaining against him, they are complaining against God. And he hears them. He doesn't
react in anger, he lets them know he's aware of their murmurings, and still, he sends them bread in the morning, the manna,
and the quails in the evening. He gave them instructions on how to gather the manna, and when and how much. Early in the morning
while the dew was on the ground, before the sun got hot. They were to gather their bread first thing, for the day. Daily bread.
Still there were those who did not follow instructions, and the leftover bread stank, and bred worms. On the Sabbath day,
there was none to gather. They had enough gathered on the 6th day to last through the 7th. What a merciful God. Surely now,
when God's people have fallen into some kind of bondage, or are troubled with leftover idolatry from the world, from which
he delivers them, God can do the same. He can break the bands that hold. He can deliver the Christian who will acknowledge
their own helplessness, and place their trust in him. Is there a slave master plaguing the believer? Perhaps it could be insecurity,
fear or unbelief. Perhaps, it could be lies of the enemy and your own carnal mind battling you day in and day out, making
God's promises seem so distant, and almost surreal. Are you tired and weary of struggling to try to live the Christian life
and feeling you are never getting anywhere? When we struggle and strive in our flesh to live the Christian life, we cannot.
God does not lend his strength to flesh only to faith. If he lent it to flesh, flesh would become proud, thinking it had done
the work. Faith admits flesh can't do it, and depends on the promises of God to see them through.
The Lord Jesus Christ
is going to return to this world again, he is going to come back after his bride. She is not going to be in love with this
world, or longing after its idols. Things may become difficult. Times and events can be frightening to the flesh. But we must
get to know the Lord, draw closer to him than ever before. When the world starts shaking and wars are on all sides, and destruction
starts falling, we need to be unshaken. We need to recognize the Lord in his mercy knows a comfortable Bride will never call
out to him to come get her. One at ease in Zion, will not want to leave. And there will be those who are left. But I don't
want to be in that number. In comparison to the Lord, and his glorious promises, that are purely accepted and realized by
faith alone, this world has nothing that can compare. The best this world has to offer cannot compare to the Lord Jesus Christ
and his Heaven, prepared for his people who love and serve him. Who long for his appearing. There will be and there is a people
who are not content in this world, who recognize it as a wilderness, and who are not at home here. Let us not look back to
Egypt. Let us not look back at the sin we were delivered out of when trials come. Let us not look back in guilt and condemnation
when we fail, but run to the blood and mercy of the Lord and receive the forgiveness he has made provision for. Let us draw
from the Lord what we need to grow stronger, daily bread from the Word of God, with a healthy dose of meat. I believe the
bread is found in the Old Testament. The meat in the New Testament. I could be wrong, but the Bible is chocked full of both
for the strength and nourishment of the Christian. John 6 explains it so well. Jesus lays it out for who ever can receive
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