These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Joh 16:33
Jan 31, 2006 God’s Faithfulness to His Children
Exo 17:1
And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness
of Sin, after their journeys, according to the commandment of the LORD, and pitched in Rephidim: and therewas no water for the people to drink.
Exo 17:2
Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may
drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?
beds; places of rest
Moses was in a predicament here, not of his own making, but of God's. He was leading this great company of people
through the wilderness, and the Lord had led them to a place where he wanted them to rest. It was a dry place, with no water
visible to the eye. But God knew HE was the people's provision. He wanted them to look to him. He was standing ever ready
before the people to provide for all their needs and then some. But in spite of the miracles and awesome power of God they
had seen displayed, they murmured and complained and falsely accused Moses (and the Lord) of leading them into a hard place
to die. They reacted like little children, quick to think the worst, unwilling to give the Lord any credit and unwilling to
believe for a minute that the Lord cared if they lived or died. What does scripture say about these people and the condition
of their heart?
reveals they didn't understand the wonders God had shown them in Egypt; all
the plagues he sent, they did not understand why or what their significance was. They didn't see that he was exposing the
uselessness of the Egyptian gods they had been so influenced by. They believed, in Exo 15, after the Red Sea crossing, but
quickly, after they finished their song of praise, with in 3 days they were murmuring and complaining and slandering God.
They despised the land God was leading them through, and did not believe God's word. Psa_106:24-25
They were disobedient, they provoked him to anger, they served idols, they hid in their tents, that they carried out of
Egypt with them. Psalms 106 details their disobedient hearts. Psa 78 does, too. They doubted God's ability to care for them.
They didn't believe him or trust in his salvation
Psa_78:22; They lied to God and their heart was not right with him, nor did they keep his covenant. Psa_78:36-38. They turned back from what God wanted to give
them and dealt unfaithfully, the scripture says in Psa_78:57. They were so focused on the situation in front of them, and they didn't remember his mighty works and miracles
on their behalf. Did they ever wonder why God came to their rescue in Egypt? How could they not see that he loved them? Was
the same devil that tries today to shoot fiery darts into the minds of God's children and cause them to doubt and fear at
work in Israel? Sure, he was. Here was the main difference, so far as I can reason. Israel SAW with their own eyes the strength
and power of God. They heard his voice from the mount, and it terrified them so much they begged Moses to never hear it again.
They saw his power on display for the visible eye to behold. They had a man leading them that was intimately acquainted with
God and had a regular word from God. They did not have to take anything on faith. They SAW it with their own eyes. But reason
should have told them God loved them. He proved his love for these people when he delivered them, he goes into Egypt and destroys
this place for their sakes. For his promise, that he made their forefathers. He knew they would mistreat him and not believe
him and turn quickly on him. Yet he loved them, and he delivered them. He suffered long with them, patiently trying to show
them he had something better for them. He wanted the people to drink the water from the rock. He wants his people today to
drink the living water that flows freely from the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus Christ. Administered so graciously by the precious
Holy Ghost. Can't you just see this awesome, Almighty God, not seen by their carnal eyes, but he was there, standing before
all his people, his presence was there, he said I will stand before thee upon the rock in Horeb.
desert; solitude; destruction; ("dry, dried up".)
It was a dry place, a place the people most certainly would have perished in if God had not been their Source. He has delivered
these people from slavery, from cruelty, made them rich, brought them out, and every time things get tough all they can do
is whine and gripe. Oh, how I can look back on my Christian life and it pains me to admit I see myself in these scriptures.
I might not have murmured to the whole congregation or to the leadership, but I have murmured and complained when things didn't
go my way, or when they got hard. And I have had to repent, all the while loathing that thing in me that wanted to rise up
and complain in hardship, even knowing these precious truths of God's word.
He was testing them so he could show them "I'm here. I'll take care of you. I know what you need and I have plenty of it.
I love you. Just trust me. I know what is best for you. I know what will make you happy."
Here they were in Massah, and Meribah, and you know what those names mean?
Trial, temptation; being put to the test;
Quarrel or strife. dispute
God made it so obvious. He even gave the names of the people and places meaning to try to get the point across to this
people in the last days who would dig in to his word. Over time, if you study the history of the Bible, and you know anything
about the nature of God, you will understand he holds people accountable for what they know. For what they have been taught.
For information they have access to. Just the very thought makes this typist very uneasy with a touch of Godly fear in her
heart. I have the wonderful (free) Bible Software, E-Sword on my PC. It has such a wealth of information. I don't much consult
the commentaries. I prefer the Holy Ghost teach me what the Word of God means. Occasionally, I have consulted them, and I
do have them, but I rarely use them. I do, however, regularly and frequently consult the Bible Dictionaries. I became curious
about the meanings of the words I didn't understand. And it has proved to be a blessing. It has enriched my study of my Father's
word greatly. If you are unfamiliar with Times Square Church in New York City, smack in the middle of Times Square, this Godly
ministry makes their preaching sermons available FREE of charge on the internet. And I listen to them. I burn them. It
is some seriously wonderful sheep food. Better than Steak. Their messages often echoe what I hear from the pulpit
at my home church. Thank God he's the same in New York as he is in Tennessee. But that knowledge sobers me. I can honestly
say I have been and am regularly fed well by the Lord. God holds you accountable for what you know or can know. If you refuse
to pick up your Bible and read it, thinking you can tell God on that day "Well, I didn't know" or "I heard this but I forgot,"
it won't work.
How grateful I am to know the Holy Ghost is the One who brings these things to my remembrance when it is applicable. To
keep me on the straight and narrow.
There is such a wealth of information available. No generation has ever had such access to truth. And if you want to understand
the Bible, you can. James says "Ye have not because ye ask not."
I have wondered at the vast amount of different translations of the Bible. And how many
times they are revised and edited and re-released. Why is that? People vainly trying to understand the Word of God without
consulting the Author? Or is that a kindness and are they really trying to change what He said because it doesn't suit their
carnal minds? Without the Spirit of God in you to teach you what the Word of God means, you can't possibly grasp it. I remember
before I got saved, I bought a Bible. I tried to read it, feeling the drawing conviction of the Holy Spirit that it was something
I very much needed. But I couldn't understand it. What a difference there was when I knelt on my knees in my bedroom, and
surrendered my life to Christ, and then tried to read it. Through prayer, and simple trust, God began to teach me himself
what his word meant. Then I would go to his house, and the minister would be talking about what I had been reading at home.
Many times I have prayed about scriptures I didn't understand and God has had the Pastor or someone else minister on that
very thing. If I had to depend on my feeble mind to remember everything the Lord has had me taught, I would be hurting. Praise
his holy name for the Holy Ghost is mine to bring to my remembrance what is written. Jesus said so, he promised it. Joh_14:26; But we are still responsible to yield to his gentle
promptings. And many times I have allowed my flesh to overrule. I have repented, I have struggled and prayed. I don't want
it to be that way. I loathe that nature inside that wars against the Word and the Spirit of God. I have to remind myself daily
God is greater than my flesh, my carnal mind, my heart which loves to condemn every little failure. Just as the Lord stood
before his people Israel in the wilderness, and guided them daily, providing for their needs, he would not be God if he did
not the same for his people now. Only now, we have the Holy Ghost, we have the full revelation of the Scriptures, and his
willing Holy Spirit to teach it to us who will just come and spend time in his presence. Lord, you are teaching me as I type.
This is for me, I know. I sure am not preaching to anyone else here. And I am so grateful for the dealing and convicting of
the Holy Ghost. Thank you, my beloved Comforter.
As I read on down to verse 7-8 in Exo 17, something else strikes me. As soon as Israel began to doubt that God was among
them, Amalek, their enemy throughout the Old Testament History, came and attacked.
(dweller in a valley). the eldest son of Esau. a people that licks up
If you read about Amalek, you see at the end of this chapter that the Lord swore to wipe out Amalek, that he'd have war
with Amalek from generation to generation. When we entertain doubts in our minds and hearts about the faithfulness and willingness
of God to provide for our needs, that gives place for the enemy to attack and try to cause fear and unbelief to take root
in our minds. Just as David used a stone to take down Goliath, we can take one promise of God, which is part of the Chief
Cornerstone, and stand on that promise and take down the lies of the devil with it. He can't handle the word of God. Heb 4:12
describes the effect the word of God has. It's the only weapon that prevails against the enemy. We can't fight him with our
flesh and blood or carnal minds. No match. But the Lord says the battle is not ours, it's his. We are just to stand on his
word, let it teach us, and do our warfare in prayer and intercession, and take the authority the Lord bestowed on his saints
who are faithful and sincere. Who believe him. Who obey him. Who are full of His Holy Spirit.
Today, in the world, Christians are living in an even worse wilderness. You can look at things many ways. There is a spiritual
wilderness believers travel through. It's a time of testing, and God seems to back off to see if his children will believe
and stand on what they had learned of him, on his promises. When they fall, he picks them up. When they sin, he forgives those
who repent and ask. When they are afraid, he comforts, the Holy Ghost brings to their remembrance his promises, and reassures
their hearts. Bears witness with their spirit that they belong to the Lord. That he's with them. But then, there is the wilderness
of the world we live in. Sin abounds. Wickedness is gloried in by the greatest part of the population. People have not wanted
to retain God in their knowledge, so they are rejecting his commandments, even the very mention of his name.
Out of curiosity, I did a Google search on the Holy Bible. One of the ministers at our church who drives a truck cross
country reported when he went to get the Bible out of the drawer in his hotel room, someone had placed a warning sticker on
the Bible, claiming it could be hazardous to your health and could even endanger your life to read this Book. He took a picture
of it with his camera phone and showed us at church. I am trying to obtain a copy of that picture, which I will post here,
when I do, along with the organization name of the group who placed the warning sticker on the Holy Bible. I came up with
several articles from all over the world, where the Holy Bible is being systematically removed from hospitals, colleges, and
universities. It is heartbreaking to read how people are scoffing at the only hope they have of being saved. Blindly, furiously,
gleefully condemning their own selves to an eternity without the God they so happily and blindly vilify. They don't really
understand what they are doing. They have no idea of the awful consequences of their choice. They have no comprehension of
the wonderful, magnificent, breath taking love they are refusing to allow in their hearts and lives.
A murderer's death sentence by jury verdict was overturned when judges discovered jurors had consulted the Holy Bible in
their hotel rooms in a Colorado murder trial. Christian Science Monitor reporting here.
After reading these articles, and seeing many more very similar in the Google search that I could click on, it was just
too depressing to continue reading them. In Tennessee schools, in what is supposed to be the Bible Belt, the Gideons' aren't
welcome anymore.
The science teachers are teaching evolution, as fact, not theory. I have to stay close on what my son is being taught so
I can make sure he is not being brainwashed because he most certainly is being taught fiction as fact. Secular fiction. Evolution
as fact.
They have even mentioned banning the Holy Ghost in England in their classes. This from the BBC news. They only want to
call him the "Holy Spirit" so they don't confuse or frighten anyone.
Oh, Lord, spare your people in the coming storm. You will not destroy the righteous with the wicked. And the only safe
place is in Christ. He is the Ark of the Righteous. We are complete in him. In him is all we will ever need. God help us to
lay hold of and fully understand this simple truth. I have not fully grasped it, but he will perform his word in this child's
heart. He promised. And he is faithful that promised. (