April 11, 2006
Those Who Received Him
Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The
Prince of Peace.
Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from
henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Government means rule, dominion.
Webster's' 1828 says this: (many applications)
as a noun: Direction, regulation, #4
as a verb: 1-3, 5
1. Control, restraint of temper and passions.
2. Exercise of authority, direction and restraint over the actions of men in society, communities, public affairs, according
to law of the land.
3. Exercise of authority by parent. He then says this, and I quote, from Noah Webster: Let family government be like that
of our heavenly Father, mild, gentle, and affectionate.
4. Any kingdom or state, or territory over which the right of sovereignty is extended. Right of governing or administering
5. Manageableness, compliance.
How many times I have read over these scriptures and not really thought about what they were saying. Those who attend church
with me will know a very godly minister came to our church last night and preached a wonderful message on these two verses.
I am not copying his message, I just felt a need to dig into these two verses and came away this morning with much more than
I would have imagined.
When the Scriptures says “Of his government” this means not only his government of the world but of his people,
individually. He came to save us from our sins. Mat_1:21; To save us from ourselves. His name-the word "name" means mark or memorial of individuality-by implication,
HONOR, AUTHORITY, CHARACTER. So when you call on the name of the Lord, you call on his authority, his honor, his character,
his power, his love; you call on who he is and I mean All of who he is. What an amazing realization to come to. Wonderful
means a marvelous thing, adapted to excite wonder or admiration, exciting surprise, strange or astonishing. And isn’t
that how you feel when he moves in response to a prayer, and works his wonders? Counselor means to advise, deliberate, or
resolve. To advertise, give consultation, guide, purpose. Mighty means powerful warrior, tyrant, champion, chief, giant, strong,
valiant. And the word for God here the Hebrew word "el" pronounced "ale" means strength, mighty especially the Almighty, God,
good, great, power, strong."
He’s the Everlasting Father and He endures perpetually. He's without beginning or end. Chief, principal. The Prince
of Peace. The head person, captain that has rule, chief, general, governor, keeper, Lord, taskmaster, prince, ruler, steward.
Peace means safe, well, happy and friendly; health, prosperity, favor, peaceable, rest, whole. He's the one who can keep us,
direct us into his peace and rest and make us whole. Make us happy.
Verse 7
Of the increase of his government, and that word increase means "to grow, become greater in bulk or quantity, or number,
to advance in value, to swell, rise, become more bright or vivid, to enlarge, extend, to lengthen, spread, add to." Of the
increase of his government, and peace there shall be no end. That takes on new meaning when you take that Scripture and apply
it personally-to yourself.
This tells me that if I am yielding to his government, and allowing his Word and His Spirit to govern this vessel, this
heart, this mind, this body, his temple, then he is going to spread his authority throughout every area, every secret place
in this temple. And with the spread of his authority, will come the spread of his peace and rest. That reminds me of what
he said in Jam_3:17. The wisdom that
comes from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality,
and without hypocrisy. 1Co_1:30 says
Jesus is made unto us our redemption, sanctification and our wisdom. Because of the will of God, he made Christ our righteousness,
our wisdom, our redemption. Our sanctification. He took us out of the kingdom of darkness, translated us into the kingdom
of his dear Son, putting us in the Light. Col_1:13; Through Christ alone we have access to the Father, direct access. Rom_5:2, Eph_2:18, Eph_3:12; through faith in his blood, his sacrifice we receive
forgiveness, and access.
That word "translated" it means to transfer, carry away, exchange, seduce, remove, turn away. Put out. Wow. He seduces
us away from the darkness, he draws us, and then he carries us from darkness to light, because we can not do it ourselves.
He moves us from one place to the other. Just out of curiosity, I looked up the word for translated in Heb_11:5 where it says Enoch was translated. It is a little
different in meaning than the one used in Colossians. And it means "transfer, literally transport, exchange, change sides,
carry over, change, remove, turn." Webster's puts it like this: "Conveyed from one place to another, removed to heaven without
dying, or rendered into another language."
He takes us out of our sins and dark world, out of spiritual death, and puts his life in us, giving us life, and lights
us up. Of his kingdom, his dominion, his reign, there's order. It is established, fixed, sure, proper and prosperous. That's
what order means. It also means faithfulness, firm, perfect, right, stable, established. To establish it with judgment-to
comfort, hold up, refresh, strengthen it with his verdict, pronounced judicially, his divine law, which is what judgment is,
his word. His word upholds all things. Heb_1:3
He does this with justice, meaning rightness, objective moral virtue, righteousness. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will
perform this. Zeal means jealously, envy, passionate ardor in the pursuit of something, eagerness of desire to accomplish
or obtain something.
He will do it, he will bring it forth, that word perform means "bring forth, become, bestow, accomplish, advance, appoint,
commit, deal, execute, finish, fulfill, furnish, grant, maintain, occupy, offer, bring to pass, prepare, procure, provide,
sacrifice, serve, spend, work." Think of it! This fills me with a new sense of hope and wonder. His zeal is also to establish
all this in my life-not just in the world at large. But in me. To make me what I can’t but I want to be. He can do it!
And realizing that he wants to-has a zeal to do it-you know, I always felt that God honored me greatly when he convicted me
of my sins and drew me to repentance. But this is a revelation that wows my heart. To think-I have been so frustrated over
the lack of order in my home and life, compared with what I read in the Word of God and all this time he’s had this
zeal to set things right for me and in me personally. And it will increase and never end. What a delightful fact!
As I am reading these scriptures, it's occurring to me for the first time that this is what he has progressively continued
to do in my life since I opened my heart to him five years ago, more and more, day by day. And it is leading me to the verse
in Joh_1:12
In John 1:11, it says He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But the word "received" used in verse 12 is different.
In verse 11, it's the Greek word "paralambano" meaning "to associate with oneself, in familiar act or relation, to learn,
or take unto or with." Jesus came to them. Some related to him, admitted they knew him, listened to what he had to say, said
‘that’s nice. But I’ll do it my way. I’m used to this way and don’t want to change.” It’s
like the let him come among them so far, but would only let him so close and that was far enough. But the word 'receive" in
verse 12, it is "lambano" meaning to take, get hold of, to seize on that which is offered with violence meaning, eagerness,
wholehearted acceptance, getting a firm grip on what is offered, to accept with amazement, to hold, obtain, receive." The
word in verse 11 is passive, weak. But the word "received" in verse 12 implies a strength, an active, determined and willing
reception-an embracing with all your heart of what is offered. HIM. To grant his truth admittance into our hearts. To welcome
it. We need to take it in, hold it, contain it, retain it, fill up on it. I want to be a host of his truth-to welcome it and
entertain it as a valued and primary resident of this temple. To make it the priority and as it proceeds to make me into a
new creature. Into his image-his likeness. Christ-like.
One image that comes to mind is when I bought my car. I went to the dealership, and the salesman showed me several cars,
and when I saw the car I bought, I wanted it, but didn’t think I could afford it, I knew the payment would be higher
than my current one, but that was the car I wanted and no other on the lot. It stood out to me. My husband urged me to get
it. The salesman offered the keys. He laid them out in front of me. I was approved for the financing. I could have picked
them up, put them in my pocket, and left with my husband, but I didn't. I took the keys, and took possession of the vehicle.
It had the power to take me where I wanted to go, which was home. Faith in his name is the key. He is the Power that will
take me Home. If I receive him, lay hold of him, rejoice in the personal claim to Him that he offers to give me, and yield
to the claim he rightfully has on me, and let him in to do whatever he wants with this vessel of mine, which he purchased
with his own blood, and upholds with his word, to those who do that, he says he will give the power meaning the "privilege,
force, capacity, competency, freedom, mastery, superhuman, token of control, delegated influence and authority, jurisdiction,
liberty, power, right, strength-to become the sons of God. That word "become" means to cause to be, to come into being, be
brought to pass, be finished, be found, fulfilled, grow, happen, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake,
pass, performed, published, be shown. I had no idea that meant all that. It is the Greek word ginomai. What a rich meaning.
Even to them that believe on his name. To believe means to have faith in, to credit and entrust my spiritual well being to
Christ. To commit my trust to him that he will do what he said in and to and through me. And he cannot lie.
Heb 6:11 And we
desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:
Heb 6:12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and
patience inherit the promises.
We need to pray one for another, that with eagerness, getting down to business, using carefulness, we will as a Body go
forward in the truth of God, and believe it, and lay hold on it with confidence. Have an expectation that it will be done
as he said. Don't let fear, or unbelief, or insecurity, or depression, or pain, or confusion or doubt or someone else’s
failure to lay hold of HIM cause you to hold back and become sluggish or lazy. Don't put it off, and think, well, I will do
it later. But imitate those dear saints who've gone on before, of whom we've read and known, who determined to enter in, no
matter what they saw or heard, they stood on what God told them, and he brought it to pass. Because of their faith, because
they believed and were willing to wait, endure, with longsuffering, they obtained, they received the promises of God. God
said "it's here, I've got it for you. Get your eyes off your flaws, and failures, off this world and it's wickedness that
makes you afraid, get your eyes on me. Look to me, the Author and the Finisher of your faith. Heb_12:2.
When I woke up this morning, that scripture was in my spirit, and on my mind. When I look to myself, and see all my flaws,
failures, and just how unlike him I am, I can start quickly to despair, and feel depressed. Everything around me will start
to get on my nerves and agitate me. I can do nothing. I can't make all these wonderful things come to pass. But when I start
to look to his promises, his power, and pray for the power to see his greatness, to see that he can indeed do what he promised,
and realize how much he WANTS TO do it in me, to be able to understand, he accepts me, wants me to come to him, with everything,
because when I opened my heart and let Jesus in, the Father came with him. The Holy Ghost came with them. I got a measure
of his Spirit to teach and guide me and prepare me for the fullness of Him. He wants me to have his fullness. To have all
of him that this earthen vessel can hold.
Heb 6:17 Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise
the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:
Heb 6:18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a
strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
Heb 6:19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within
the veil;
When men promise each other something they often seal the deal with a contract, which is binding, in order to prevent arguing,
or strife or contention, changing the terms or challenges. You've heard the expression, "it's a done deal." Well, God intended
to show us who are heirs of his a great deal more effectively that his promise was unchangeable, and unbreakable. People can
go to court to challenge contracts and wills, looking for loopholes to break them. Sometimes, they succeed. An heir is someone
who has been promised an inheritance by someone. In our case, our Father in Heaven has promised us eternal life and a home
with him. He's promised us spiritual blessings and the Holy Ghost in our life here and now. Power to live for him and be his
witnesses. His promise is an announcement, a pledge of divine assurance, a message, a revelation of what he has and what he
has provided for us, now and then. His purpose, his word, his will, has been confirmed by an oath. It is sure. Steadfast.
It's binding. How can we know that? Because in verse 18, he says first, it is impossible for God to lie-that will never change..
he will not break his word. And because of that, and having his word, knowing it can't be changed or broken or taken back,
or challenged successfully by those who hate it, we have a strong consolation, or comfort, solace, exhortation, that those
of us who have rejected this world and fled to his word for refuge from the insanity of the world around us, and we can seize
and lay hold of the hope his word-his promises have set before us. He's laid it all out like a buffet for us. He says it's
here. It's yours. Come to me. I'll give you what I said I would. I know what you need and it's here. Come get it. Believe
it. Don't let anything stop you from coming to my table and partaking of what I have for you. Don’t be afraid. Come.
That hope we have in verse 19 means this: to hold, such as a possession, ability, relation or condition, to eat, enjoy, keep,
to be able to hold, rest, return, use. The knowledge that the promises of God are solid, dependable, and don't need our help
to be brought to pass-just our obedience and faith, and trust in his ability to do it. That is the anchor, the power that
keeps our souls steadfast, secured, in place, not flitting around in confusion, not carried off or away by trouble or circumstance
or deceit, but in place-in Him, sure and steadfast, unshakeable. Jesus is there. He's at the right hand of the Father, ready,
willing and able to meet our needs, and bring us to where we need to be. He sent the Holy Ghost to prepare and guide and teach
us. He's promised the Comforter to us. God help us be where we need to be, baptized and full of the Spirit of God, in his
control, with his agenda leading us and then all hell can do the trembling and fearing and shaking. That is how it's supposed
to be. And by the grace of God that is how it's going to be. We should not settle for less-to do so is a reproach and an insult
on God who made such provision. It won’t be easy. We have to press in, and listen only to God. We have to be strong,
and of good courage, as our Pastor keeps encouraging us at church here lately. God forgive me, and help me see. Help us all
see it and believe it and RECEIVE it.
Rom 4:21 And being
fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having
seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
1Th 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
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