The Presence of God:
1. Brings rest (Ex. 33:14)
2. Sets us apart from the world (Ex. 33:15-16)
3. Brings the glory and honor of God, along with strength, and gladness into our lives.
(1 Chr. 16:7)
4. Our enemies, all the things that hinder or weigh us down, or would harm us, perish at his
presence. (Ps. 9:3)
5. Spending time in his presence brings the fullness of joy and pleasure. (Ps. 16:11)
and shows us the path of life.
6. Is a hiding place from the pride of man. Being in the presence of God is a sure fire way
to remain humble. (Ps. 31:20)
7. Wickedness that might be plaguing us, or trying to defile our temple, will perish at his
presence. (Ps. 68:2)
8. Be thankful and praise him for his presence, it's an awesome privilege to have. (Ps.95:2)
9. Hills melt like wax at his presence. Whatever difficulty in your circumstance or life that
you think you can't overcome, he can. (Ps. 97:5)
10. Tremble before his presence with reverence and fear, awed by who he is. (Ps. 114:7, Jer.
11. There is no way to hide from his presence, so be reminded he said he'd never leave you,
nor forsake you in Heb. 13:5. (Ps. 139:7)
12. His presence is the dwelling place of the upright. (Ps. 140:13) (Can't get a better
place to live than that-we can live in his presence, remember Paul said in him we move and have our being. It's possible,
according to the scripture to walk in the spirit, and dwell in his presence. Who needs a mansion with that kind of dwelling
13. Have a problem with your flesh, or idols that have been hard to let go of? His presence
can move those things right out of your temple and out of your way. (Is. 19:1)
14. Got a seemingly insurmountable problem? A mountain of obstacles? At his presence, mountains
melt and flow down like hot wax. (Is. 64:1)
15. His presence shakes men, makes the steep places fall, and knocks the walls to the ground
of every stronghold. (Ezek. 38:20)
16. Need refreshing? The times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19)
17. No flesh can glory in his presence. (1 Cor. 1:29)
18. Christ, our High Priest, is in God's presence as our intercessor. (Heb. 9:24)
19. He can present us faultless before his presence with exceeding great joy. (Jude 24)
But don't wait until he comes to be in his presence. Get in it now, for we have boldness, to
enter into the holy of holies, through the blood. (Heb. 10:19-22) Get in his presence now and let him walk through
the midst of your heart, shining his light and overthrowing the tables of the moneychangers, and casting out that which is
unlike him and offends him.